Having been born and raised in the Netherlands hand crafts, art and the use of tools was part of schooling from elementary all the way throughout college. So even if art might not have been an interest it was still ingrained. In all honesty artistry is a family trait and Agnes has had her hands in many different opportunities and skill sets. Knitting and crocheting, embroidery, macramé and wood working to name a few were very normal venues to explore. Over the years, Agnes has gone from using paper twist, reborn doll painting, miniature room box settings and portrait drawing to the current scenic drawing. Paper cutting is another interest that can be used for various art projects. Doing art with kids at a yearly event has her explore other ways of doing fun things like melting crayon art and optical illusion ideas to name a few.
Currently pencil drawing is in the foreground with some 3D projects pending. One of Agnes’ main achievements is publishing a book on how to knook. Knooking is crocheting a knitted product. It all started out with socks and quickly evolved into other things that can be made using a crochet needle to make people believe it is a knitted product.
Art will always be a part of her life in one shape or form … may it be a new thing to try or stick with the old stuff.