It is the energy and vibration in life forms that fascinates me … my life is my art … music, visual images, dance, writing and healing are all evidence of ongoing dialogue with the energies of life:
- caressing the plants with eye and spirit tracing the energy in their forms with my brush
- playing a musical instrument so lovingly that it enjoys being played
- rooting under the potato plants for their fruits, like putting your hand under a sitting hen to steal an egg from her warmth; or like picking ripe berries, their taste so immediately delicious
- walking quietly on mother earth and paddling the canoe on her waters, sleeping under the stars and playing my native flute from the canoe in the moonlight
- from the little tree frog, learning to find my voice to heal with sound … sound is energy
- healing with energy as a Tera-Mai Reiki Seichem Master
- the plants dance … I dance … drumming and dancing to the rhythm of the universe making marks through the joy of being
… we are all welcome